Life Is Good

This is a group project I worked with my friends, Yinying and Haiying. I was in charge of the ‘nature space’ environment design, and worked togther throughout the whole animation and rendering.

Environment Design of ‘Life is good’

This project conveys the concept of reminding ‘life is good’. The Rubik's Cube is a symbol of possibilities, and life, much like this Rubik's Cube, is a mosaic of possibilities and colors waiting to be explored. Rubik’s cube also reflects on the unpredictable aspects of life. Each twist and turn of the cube represents the myriad of experiences that make life beautiful and diverse. 'Life is Good' is all about embracing every color, every challenge, every moment that adds depth and richness to our canvas.  Life's complexities, like the Rubik's Cube, are what make it beautiful and worth experiencing. 


Strange Things

